R. vs. A.S. – Port Coquitlam Provincial Court

Charges: Assault (domestic) Reduced to Peace Bond.

Issue: Given the rehabilitative steps we were able to guide our client through, whether it was in the public interest to continue with the criminal prosecution.

Result: Mr. Mines was able to steer our client through a course of rehabilitation and persuaded Crown to stay the assault charge and to allow our client to enter into a Peace Bond.

R. vs. G.V. – Vancouver Provincial Court

Charges: Assault; Uttering Threats.

Issue: Whether there was sufficient evidence for criminal charges to be approved.

Result: Mr. Mines was able to provide Crown counsel with additional information and persuaded Crown that it was not in the public interest to proceed with any criminal charges.

R. vs. M.H.E. – Abbotsford Provincial Court

Charges: Assault.

Issue: Whether it was in the public interest to proceed with a criminal prosecution.

Result: Mr. Mines was able to provide information to Crown counsel regarding our client’s circumstances and was able to persuade Crown that there was no public interest in proceeding with a criminal prosecution. No criminal record.

R. vs. N. O. – Courtenay Provincial Court

Charges: Assault Causing Bodily Harm x2; Assault x3.

Issues: Whether there was a substantial likelihood of a conviction.

Result: Mr. Gauthier was able to provide information to Crown counsel which cast the complainant’s credibility and reliability into doubt. The Crown made an adjournment application which Mr. Gauthier opposed. Mr. Gauthier was able to persuade Crown to stay all of the criminal charges upon our client entering into a Peace Bond. No jail; No criminal record.

R. vs. A.H. – Vancouver Supreme Court

Charges: Sentence Appeal – Forcible entry; Assault with a weapon.

Issue: Whether the Supreme Court would uphold our client’s conditional discharge that was granted to our client by the Provincial Court.

Result: After hearing Mr. Gauthier’s submissions on this sentence appeal, the Supreme Court justice agreed with Mr. Gautier and ruled that the sentence was appropriate in all the circumstances. The court dismissed the Crown’s appeal. The conditional discharge was upheld.

R. vs. G.S. – North Vancouver Provincial Court

Charge: Assault (domestic).

Issue: Given the rehabilitative steps we were able to guide our client through, whether it was in the public interest to continue with the prosecution.

Result: Mr. Mines was able to persuade Crown counsel to enter a stay of proceedings, brining the matter to an end. No criminal record.

R. vs. J.C. – Vancouver Provincial Court

Charge: Assault (domestic).

Issue: Given the rehabilitative steps we were able to guide our client through, whether it was in the public interest for Crown counsel to continue the prosecution.

Result: Mr. Mines was able to provide new information to Crown and was ultimately able to persuade Crown to enter a stay of proceedings. No criminal record.

R. vs. K.A. – Surrey Provincial Court

Charge: Assault Causing Bodily Harm.

Issue: Whether the complainant and the Crown witnesses gave reliable and crdible evidence at trial.

Result: After vigorous cross examination, the trail judge accepted Mr. Gauthier’s submissions that Crown counsel had failed to prove its case. Not guilty verdict. No criminal record.

R. vs. X.L. – Vancouver Provincial Court

Charge: Assault (domestic).

Issue: Whether the information police provided to Crown counsel would cause Crown to conclude there was a substantial likelihood of obtaining a conviction.

Result: Mr. Mines provided information to Crown on our client’s behalf and was able to persuade Crown that our client was in fact the victim of assault and was acting in self defence. No charges were approved. No criminal record.

R. vs. M.S. – Vancouver Provincial Court

Charges: Criminal Harassment (domestic).

Issue: Whether our client’s mental state was such that Crown counsel could prove that she had the necessary level of intent to be convicted of a criminal offence.

Result: Mr. Gauthier was able to provide our client’s medical documentation to Crown which resulted in Crown deciding not to proceed with the prosecution. Stay of proceedings. No criminal record.

R. vs. J.G. – Vancouver Provincial Court

Charges: Assult (domestic).

Issue: Given the rehabilitative steps we were able to guide our client through, whether it was in the public interest for Crown counsel to continue the criminal prosecution.

Result: Based on the information Mr. Mines provide regarding our client, Crown directed a stay of proceedings bringing the matter to an end. No criminal record.

R. vs. S.G. – North Vancouver Provincial Court

Charges: Assault (x2).

Issue: Whether our client was involved in a consensual fight; used reasonable force in defending himself, or was guilty of two counts of assault.

Result: At the conclusion of  a three day trial and hearing Mr. Gauthier’s submissions on our client’s behalf, the trial judge found our client not guilty on both counts. No jail. No criminal record.