We Defend Assault Civil Forfeiture Driving Drug Serious Crime Sexual Assault Theft & Fraud Weapons Charges
We serve Metro Vancouver
and all of British Columbia.
We have over 35 years of courtroom experience.
Michael Mines, Ian Gauthier and Patrick Johnston have a combined total in excess of 35 years’ experience conducting criminal trials. Their trial strategies and courtroom skills are enhanced by Mr. Mines’ past experience doing Crown prosecution work. Michael, Ian and Patrick take great pride in the professional relationships they have built over the years with Crown prosecutors, judges and other defence lawyers. The firm has earned a reputation as being highly professional, ethical and dedicated to our clients.
Mines & Company has conducted over 4,000 client matters over the years. This extensive criminal law experience has given us the depth of knowledge to assess our cases before they get to court. In essence, once we understand the issues of a particular case, we will be able to provide advice as to the probable outcome. Where appropriate, our lawyers will strongly advocate for a successful resolution of charges prior to your trial. Our firm grasp of the facts and the law, coupled with our excellent advocacy skills often allow us to negotiate a resolution that is favourable to our client. We will always strive to “control the outcome” of our case through a successful plea negotiation without the necessity of a trial. However, when we are called upon to argue a case in court – whether at trial or at a sentencing hearing, we find that our excellent preparation and courtroom advocacy pays off. The vast majority of our clients’ cases are resolved favourably.
We defend your rights and freedoms.
Our lawyers work tirelessly to defend your rights. We pride ourselves in fighting to uphold the Charter principles that guarantee Canadians freedom from unreasonable and unlawful police actions. We are dedicated to upholding the values enshrined in the Charter, including:
- The right to be treated in accordance with principles of fundamental justice;
- The right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure;
- The right to be free from arbitrary detention and arrest;
- The right upon detention or arrest to be informed of the reasons thereof and the right to contact counsel without delay;
- The right to be tried within a reasonable time; and
- The right to not be subjected to any cruel or unusual punishment.
Where appropriate, we will apply to the court to have any evidence obtained through a Charter breach excluded from the trial process.
Assault, Drug, Theft and Driving charges
Mines and Company represents people charged with assault (including domestic); drug trafficking; theft; fraud; sex assault; weapons; and driving (including impaired) offences. We appear regularly in all Metro Vancouver courts as well as courts throughout the rest of British Columbia. We have over 35 years experience and have, over the years, achieved an impressive record of success. Our lawyers work tirelessly to defend our client’s rights. We pride ourselves in fighting to uphold the Charter principles that guarantee Canadians freedom from unlawful and unreasonable police actions.